Tuesday, April 6, 2010

50% of your birthparts?

greetings! long time no hear from, i know. but i've been busy, and i'm lazy. a lethal combination, oxymoronic really. the sort of desperate struggle for your core values that defines the modern human in the face of ceaseless homogenization, commercialization and endemic idiocy. when you value the quiet, the good, what must one do in the face of this onslaught? soldier on? buy a new hat? what if you don't like hats? in that case, can you instead replace your organs with mechanical replicants, powered by a machine-hate for the organic? everyone wants to be a cyborg in the modern era. interface with me! will they accept you if you only have 50% or less of your birth-parts? can you feasibly, morally, destroy those who counter you with hate, ignorance or inane questions? this is inane. in this face of my and our rapid degradation, must we destroy ourselves to be born anew? but i digress.

when you wander the streets of beijing, what does one see? faceless cyborgs? radioactive mutant love-porcupines? communists? its hard to say. but this city is thriving, no matter the populace. chinese and waiguo's [foreigners] pour into the space like gloopy denizens of a strange honey-world, battling for living space, jobs and a seat on the subway [chinese people win, usually]. however, the chinese have superior queuing skills, compared to those of india. the mad free-for-all exists, but is slightly less hazardous for one's health. so much is going on, people everywhere, street vendors vending all variety of vendable wares. you can buy pirated books, music, pineapples (pirated? the cyborg clone rearing its head again?), sweet potatos, clothes, guinea pigs, all life's staples. and haggling is on like donkey kong! i think america needs to embrace a haggling lifestyle, in addition to bringing back bartering. 'dont have any money you say!, well just trade me your rendered body fat for the keys to the kingdom!' what an option, what a lifestyle.

language instruction is going well, my mandarin has definitely improved since i've been here. it's such a funny language though, some of the ways you say things are positively hilarious. for instance, i was telling my laoshi (teacher) that i hadn't been to san francisco, but my parents had, albeit before i was born. this is expressed by saying i had not entered (the world) with success. sadly, we are all failures.

1 comment:

  1. "can you feasibly, morally, destroy those who counter you with hate, ignorance or inane questions? this is inane. in this face of my and our rapid degradation, must we destroy ourselves to be born anew? but i digress."

    jeff! williamzburg iz jealous you aren't pondering about it and its degradation specifically. come back! but in the mean time, tell china i sez hey :)
